Two Weeks (June 22 - July 6th)
More time with our incredible staff! The skills honed in debate are applicable throughout your lifetime. To be well-rounded and confident orators, it requires constant development and adaption of your speaking abilities to dynamic audiences and situations. Two weeks with our staff will result in a a foundational understanding of debate, a working knowledge of the year's debate topic, along with advanced and targeted lectures and drills to increase your overall success. We make sure you enact the knowledge derived in lectures through practice, practice, and more practice.
The Perks!
**More tournament rounds: Two week students will debate in two tournaments, one at the end of the first week and a second at the end of the last week. This guarantees 8 valuable tournament rounds.
**More practice debates: Each debater will engage in at least three practice debate rounds each week.
**More redoes: After practice debates, campers will "perfect" their speeches with one-on-one teaching with our staff. **Advanced lectures: 1 week students may learn the critical and foundational basics while two week students will go more indepth. Some of our staff have been in debate for 15+ years and we learn something new about debate and our topics every day.