Digital Camp Faq

Daily Schedule (Eastern Standard)

Mornings 9-11 AM

Lessons at own pace!
Students will start their mornings with "complete at your own pace" prepared lecture content and assignments. Materials will be posted to modules and debate activity pages on Canvas. Students can listen to lectures and submit questions to our staff. They can use this time to fill out learning outcome materials to help our staff adapt to your students needs. They can complete their case writing and research work all while using any electronic device. Faculty will be available to assist during the morning for online engagement. The goal of this session is flexibility to allow students the ability to learn on their own time during busy morning hours. In short, students can watch a "videocast" with live assistance without a mandated synchronous learning sessions.

Afternoon 1-5 PM

Debate Lab time!
Students will interact in live debate labs lead by their instructors. These labs will be filled with lessons, mini and full practice debates and speeches, games, and student-to-student interactions. We will utilize the full slate of IU's online education technologies including Zoom and Canvas to maintain live interactions. 

Lectures and content will be recorded and available for all students who may miss a portion of our meetings due to connectivity issues or scheduling conflicts. 

Students will enter "breakout" rooms for practice debates in front of our experienced staff. 

Night Lab 6-9 PM

Skill development and Feedback!
Semi-asynchronous. Campers will complete and upload their "redo" speeches for feedback from our staff. 

Students can meet with designated night staff in Zoom rooms for more advanced and individualized feedback. 

Research assignments, speech writing and argument development assistance will be provided by our staff.

Digital Camp Information

Weekly Schedule


  • Camp starts on Monday each respective week
  • Friday afternoons and saturdays will be dedicated to a digital debate tournament
  • To maintain family time, sundays will be an off day for the camp. 

Public Speaking and Advocacy Camp

  • Camp follows the same basic daily outline listed above.
  • Starts on Monday and ends on Friday night. 
  • Students are invited to watch tournament debates on Saturday!


  • Electronic device that can open word documents or google docs. Laptop/desktop computers are preferred, however, lectures, lessons, and content will be made compatible for Ipad/Tablets/Smart devices. Keyboards for these devices would help to reduce lagtime in typing and information processing.
  • Headphones. Headphones are needed to reduce noise/feedback. HF with attached microphones are helpful but your laptop/smart device microphone should also suffice. (Gaming headphones with mics work well, "telemarketer" headphones+mic also works well).
  • Stable internet connection with speeds compatible with live video and audio transmission.
  • High download limits. Video/audio streaming will require gigabytes of data over the course of a week. 

See our Digital public debate example!

Digital Education Platform

  • Indiana University's online education platforms are ahead of the curve
  • The camp will utilize Canvas pages and student (guest) Canvas logins to ensure the security of the education environment
  • Zoom rooms will be used for camp labs. Security measures will be taken to ensure that only camp attendees will have access to these rooms
  • Access to our Indiana University's R1 institution library and database resources will be provided. Students will learn to navigate these advanced educational databases
  • All canvas content will be available for students for up to an entire year